Saturday, April 23, 2011

Here is what a conversation with my stomach would sound like if my stomach could talk:

Me: Guess what you get to try! I dont know what it is, but it is Thai food and Im sure you would love it!
Stomach: I dont know, it smells kind of disgusting.
Me: Well you are about to get some anyway because its time to eat and I dont want hunger pains
Stomach: I never get a say in this matter...
Me:Here it comes!
Stomach: Yea, I was right this is absolutely disgusting, what is it, pigs feet?
Me: I think so, is that ok?
Stomach: No, im going to send it back up, here it comes...
Me: You are so picky. Now I feel sick.

And this happened for the first 5 meals that I had here in Thailand. But, an answer to prayer, I am now eating some every day and I am even feeling well. Except I do stay away from pigs feet, chicken feet, intestines, and fried bugs. And coconut milk.

We have been living in a small village up in the mountains outside of Lampang Thailand. We are staying with YWAMers, so the accomodations are much nicer than I thought. We still take showers outside in a bamboo hut with a bucket, and stand-n-squat to use the bathroom, but its part of the experience. Actually might be one of my favorite parts.

We have been doing dirt work this past week such as weeding, building toilets, and stairs. Also, the girls have been prapring for English Camp that we are going to put on for the kids in the village. Our hope is that with this, we can introduce some education, but also open the door for the gospel which is our main goal. At the end of the camp, we are going to invite all the families of the kids so we can preach to them. Please pray that this works out and that the enemy will not even try to stick his slimy nose into Gods plan for these wonderful people.

We have already made some good friends in the village, and though I do not speak the language, we have a great time doing an immitation of sign language. We both end up laughing at our hopelessness to communicate. But my translator, Gift (an amazing Thai woman of 30), has been doing a superb job. I was stoked that she and I and another teammate, Chelsea, got to have a good sized group of Thais listen to us talk about what "today is all about." It was Good Friday, the day that Jesus died for our sins. And the Thais in that village :) We got to invite the children of those families to our English Camp, and they all agreed to come. We have had many times like those to make friends with the people in the village. This way they can get to know the YWAM people and be comfortable talking with future YWAM teams that will come through their village, and multiplication will take place. We are the first missionary team to come to this village besides our hosts who live there.

Still cannot upload photos yet. And, my time has run out.