Monday, June 6, 2011

A peek through my little Sony

The shirt you will see me wearing in these pictures is something I made before leaving. 
It says "The tom Scott Project."

A good portion of the group that we met up in a village for the weekend. Some of the older kids (teenagers) cried that night as we prayed over them and their family situations. It was supposed to end at 8 pm, but we finished closer to midnight. God was working ;)

I walked in to teach English one day, and found this girl writing Tom's name in Thai! It really made my day

Easter. We hid eggs and had the whole school go on an Easter egg hunt! Then we taught them the more important part to Easter: Jesus rising from the grave :)

A smaller English class in a Phitsanulok neighborhood. Building relationships with the locals for our missionary hosts is a priority.

A new YWAM base gets treated to our talented Korean art skills. DTS classes will be held here one day! We also slept in this room. I spent quite a few sick days in it too haha 

Probably one of the cutest pieces of God's artwork: this girl.

At the 'Burmese school under the bridge.' Puppets were like hollywood stars to these kids haha. They tell the Bible stories so well... ;)

My friend Helen taught the kids to draw a crown representing their place as princes and princesses in God's kingdom. Can I get an Amen!

Thailand looks like this:

'River shacks'
typical market

typical dinner

view hanging off the top of the taxi

monks have their own section in the bus station

woman out front of her home next to the Burmese school

several tatts on a man can mean that he is seriously into evil spirits

dried fishes and squid

Bugs. They eat them by the bag. Im not that cool, though. I just ate one small white grub.

Church we served at. Performed skit, 'Chains,' and one of our students, Bek, taught them hip hop. Be stunned by the sight of those mountains by the way. Drop your jaw.

Rubber tree farms scatter the south. Makes...rubber :)

These next pictures are out of order. Do you ever wish you had time to do something, such as create a new blog site that works better? Dont let this throw you off, but the building underneath is one of the first living arrangements that I had. One night I leaned against the wall and found a spider as large as a tarantula not too far from my shoulder. Anything can crawl or slither through the cracks. 

Squatty potty and bucket shower. This was my bathroom for the first month. To shower, pick up the small bucket in the large bucket and dump it on yourself. 

Working on building stairs up to the village church. There were 18 steps total.

I carved Tom's name in the bottom of the steps. His memory is forever in the Karen village in the mountains of Thailand. 

We got re-baptized as a group!