Thursday, June 2, 2011


Debrief has been taking place the past few days. It consists of sleeping in marshmallow white fluffy beds, swimming in the pool, climbing out to the lighthouse, taking showers with WARM water, and eating hamburgers. But behold, it is when missinaries have time off that the best battles are won:

One morning five of us went to Phuket early in the morning to take our leader, Ellen, to the airport. Our plan was to visit one of our schools that we ministered at while we were still working. We didnt tell the school we were coming. We just figured we would stop by on their recess hour and see the kids for a few minutes. But we were late and missed recess.

We decided to stop by the principles office and see if there was anything we could do to bless the school. Can we help with anything, we asked. "do you want the younger kids, or the older kids?" whaaaaat! "older kids I guess." ok, you have them for two hours. Thanks so much!

Well, its not normal in Amercica for sure, but me and my other young friends led about 30 kids in their classroom that day.

We could feel the spiritual tension and the enemy and his anger, because the kids were not cooperative. It was almost a nightmare for the first hour and a half. But at the very end, they quieted down to hear my teammate tell her testimony. The kids speak a southern dialect of Thai, and the only one in our group that spoke Thai speaks the northern dialect. He did his best to translate, but it seemed pointless. Then all of a sudden he began to translate perfectly, and all the kids became silent! Afterward he said that four years ago he had this dream: 'that I was here in this very room... translating for these kids in their dialect!' Before we left, we prayed over them and their principle.

What a day off, hu? Take that, satan. Praise be to God.