Thursday, May 26, 2011

20 Years old, 20 things

Its almost time for this white girl to return to her country. ThisSunday night we head to a resort for debrief week. Thats where we tell outreach stories, wrap up in prayer, run into foreigners on vacation, and focus on endulging in the beauty of Thailand and the blessing of different culture before the departure. I actually got to go with the main leader and our interpreter, Gift, to help choose the resort. So I know its going to be great.

Before I wrap up this blog, I want to sum up what God has taught me, how I have grown, and the impact I think God has had on Thailand through me and the rest of the team. This will be the last post most likely, so it will come later.

But this post I want to tell you of some of the wacky things that make this culture not America.

1. They drive on the left side of the road. Im still not used to it
2. They eat rice like we drink soda (at least most Americans drink too much soda)
3. Everything is cheap. I can get a jug of tea for 20 baht or 70ish cents, chicken dinner (with rice) for 50 baht or a little over a dollar.
4. They use kilometers, not miles
5. You can ride on or in the back of vehicles, dangling off.
6. Foreigners are rare in most parts so everyone looks at you with awe. Kind of amazing
7. Toilet paper is not normal. They use bum guns. Water squirter.
8. They dont shake hands, they 'way'. Hands go into a position like you are praying
9. They dont cut the heads or feet of of chickens or fish before selling
10. You take of your shoes before entering most buildings. Schools, churches, shops, etc.
11. Dont show a thai the bottom of your feet
12. Their 'Costco' is called 'Makro' and their 'walmart' is called Big C.
13. Their New Year is in March, not January.
14. Cheese is uber expensive. Im going to down some cheese when I get back, this Italian can only go so long without
15. Icecream sandwiches are actually sandwiches. Like, they use real bread to sandwich the icecream
16. There are idols in every yard
17. The number of Christians in the south is like .5%
18. they are open to christianity
19. If you want the experience of a lifetime...
20. Come to Thailand and share Jesus with some amazing people who need the love

Been spending some amazing time with kids at the school lately, and sharing with them all we've got. Im suprised I havnt kidnapped my favorite kid yet. She is a pumpkin. Yesterday we were all convicted that our day of rest was for ourselves and not for the Lord. God says to take a day of rest, but if we use it to go to the market or to the beach, we end up to tired for when ministry begins again. And so we took another day off, this time, using properly. Many of the attacks going thorugh our team and the miscommunication has dwindled greatly. We are now ready for...war ;)

One more thing...the boys placed a huge toad in a take-out box in front of our door the other night. What the heck? Who thinks of something like that? However I laughed forever!

Good night America. good morning for you. I miss you